18 March 2013

Another fuckin' Nolan North game?

I'm a big PlayStation player. Not a gamer by the normal definition. I'm not someone who has all consoles from all generations. To me, exbox is not a household name. PlayStation, however, rings a bell.

Now, before I get off topic, I just downloaded Spec Ops: The Line from PSN. I began playing it and noticed right away that Nolan North is playing the lead. Another fuckin' Nolan North game? 

Whenever I hear his voice, I think Nathan Drake from Uncharted...., or Desmond Miles from the Assassin's Creed series......, or Salem from Army of TWO. The guy has been in a shitload of games. He even played a voice-unrecognizable character, as Le Crochet (The Hook) from The Saboteur. I didn't even know it was him until the credits rolled.

His voice has become the most recognized voice in gaming. He's the Morgan Freeman of gaming. So, having to play yet another game starring Nolan North is just another thing I have to get through. Like, beating a game. But Jesus, it's getting old.

To be clear, this is not a put down to Nolan North. I mean, to be honest, all us PlayStation gamers are a little jealous that we can't make it with Elena

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